Join Us For 40 Days Of Prayer and Fasting

We will be praying and fasting corporately, with each person committing to one day during this period of time.

Praise the Lord CLA! We are praying and fasting corporately for 40 days from now until Pentecost. Each day, at least one person will be fasting and will give themselves to prayer throughout the day/ night. If possible, alter your normal routine and shut in with the Lord. Every morning, we will send out the name of the person(s) that is fasting that day and the rest of CLA will be interceding for them.

Here are some prayer points of focus during your day of Prayer/ Fasting. Don’t feel obligated to pray this way or only these things. Please open yourself up to Spirit of Christ in you. Let Him lead. Thank you all for participating in the Kingdom of God.

The Body of Christ

  • Awake, Unified, Bold, Spirit Led
  • Sending Laborers and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom
  • Holy, pure, prepared for the Lord’s coming


  • Blindness removed to their Messiah
  • Will of the Lord fulfilled in His people
  • Peace of Jerusalem
  • The Nations will see the glory of God through Israel


  • Leaders, rulers, (President, VP, Congress, Prime Ministers, Kings, etc) come to repentance
  • Eyes of the blind would be opened to the Gospel
  • Kingdom of God will increase its rule over every other Kingdom

Sign up for a slot 24-hour time slot:

Note: The public calendar may take a 15 minutes to update after time slot has been selected.

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